A Service Day 2024, three studies to discover new business opportunities.

The Quintegia event, born from an idea by AsConAuto, focuses on content and stands as the only dedicated event in Italy capable of capturing the sector and offering concrete tools and solutions to its leaders and operators. Service Day, scheduled for October 24th and 25th at the Centro Congressi Veronafiere, will be the stage where…

Automotive Dealer Day 2024: Innovation and Success for the Future of Mobility

The 22nd edition of the Automotive Dealer Day – House of Mobility concluded with significant results, confirming its role as a benchmark event in the automotive distribution industry in Europe. This year, we achieved outstanding results both in terms of participation and content, solidifying our role as a benchmark in the international landscape. Automotive Dealer…

Service Day 2024: Generazione Post Vendita. The main theme of the fourth edition.

The fourth edition of Service Day – the event by Quintegia born from an idea by AsConAuto, dedicated to dealer, authorized and independent repairers, automotive manufacturers, body shops and all companies involved in the after-sales chain – will take place from October 24th to 25th at VeronaFiere.“Generazione Post Vendita” is the main theme of the…

Quintegia: Automotive Dealer Day becomes House of Mobility

The key players in the international mobility system will meet in Verona from May 14th to 16th, at the new location of Halls 11-12 at Veronafiere. Automotive Dealer Day makes the change and internationalization process tangible and becomes House of Mobility – “Where Automotive Meets Mobility.” The only Italian event with an international scope, capable…

The Dynamism of the Asian Automotive and Technological Market.

In an increasingly interconnected world, Asia has established itself as an epicenter of growth and innovation, particularly in the automotive and technology sectors. Over the last thirty years, as recent reports and analyses have shown, globalization has led Asian companies to significantly expand their production and global influence. Manufacturing and Technology Sector: The Engine of…